Pearson BTEC Higher National Flex in Live Mixing
Next Intake
24 Sessions

The Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals Flex in Live Mixing is a comprehensive three-month module that covers advanced live sound engineering skills from documentation, designing a PA system and maintaining effective communication with artists and crew to running a feedback-free monitor mix and FOH mix for a contemporary artist at a show.

Who is it for?
This program is ideal for professionals with prior knowledge or experience working in live sound, hoping to take their skills to a higher level with hands-on experience with real-life scenarios, to advance their knowledge and upskill with an internationally accredited certification.


Qualification: Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals – Certificate of Unit Achievement


What is covered?

  • Event Logistics & Documentation
    • Creating Input Lists and Stage Plans
    • Writing Technical Riders for Artists
  • Acoustics & Speaker Interaction
    • Fundamentals of Acoustics
    • Speaker Placement and Interaction with Venue Acoustics
  • System Design & Tuning
    • Designing PA Systems Practically and Virtually
    • System Tuning Techniques
  • Communication Skills in Audio Production
    • Interacting with Artists and Crew
    • Effective Communication Skills under Pressure
  • Front of House & Monitor Mixing
    • Mixing Consoles
    • Mixing Techniques
    • Analog & Digital Processing

Duration: 24 (Sessions) | 4 months (including practical visits and field trips)
GLH: 60 Hrs 

Lecturer: Amila Amarasinghe


Entry Qualifications :

  • Completion of OL Examinations with minimum pass grades
  • Completion of AL Examinations with minimum pass grades
  • Completion of foundation course in Live Sound Engineering
  • Or relevant experience in Live Sound Engineering
LKR 175,000